
Kim Chha Hout,
Chair, Board Member

The Honorable Kim Chha Hout was appointed as Honorary Consul General of Cambodia to the United States in Long Beach, California on June 20, 2012. This is the 4th Royal Honorary Consulate General office in the United States of America. The Royal Honorary Consulate General office helps and facilitates consular services to our Cambodian Citizens and others seeking entry to The Royal Kingdom of Cambodia.

The Honorary Consul General previously attended Dental Medical School in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (1993-1997). In 2007 He graduated with a Double Major from California State University of Long Beach, with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Management and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Operations Management.

Kim Chha Hout previously served as Commissioner of the Community Development Advisory Commission in the City of Long Beach (2010-2013). Since 2012 till present time Honorary Consul General has been a member of Los Angeles Consular Corps which consist of one hundred and two countries of diplomatic representatives around the world assigned to Los Angeles, California. In 2015 H.E. Kim Chha Hout joined as a member of the Board of Directors for Cambodian- American for Rural Education Foundation (CARE) a non-profit organization which’s mission is to build one library a year in rural areas in Cambodia to aid children in education.

More about the organization

Our Story

There are currently no organizations that specifically cater to the needs
of businesses looking to invest or expand into Cambodia. We strive to fulfill that gap.

Our Work

Connection, network, education, promotion are some of the activities we focus our efforts towards.

Our Ideas

We will also organize events and seminars to promote local business,
trade with Cambodia, Investment between Cambodia and the U.S.A. We will collaborate with other business organizations, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, various Asian chamber and business association, to expand our reach.